Sunday, June 14, 2020

Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman

Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman Would You Rather Work for a Man or a Woman? February 4, 2015 We asked our readers if they have a preference for a male or female manager. The results were absolutely jaw-dropping. Make a Resume in Minutes The 1st Ever Resume Genius Giveaway has come to its conclusion, and we have to say we feel it was a big hit. There were  a lot of entries, and our readers did a great job spreading the word on our Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest profiles. All of the winners have been notified, and you can see what the wining tickets numbers were here. Wed like to thank our two sponsors, Ugmonk and Peg and Awl once again as well. They donated some awesome items. You should definitely stop by their sites and check out the rest of their offerings. What We Learned As much as wed like to claim this giveaway was purely altruistic, we did get the opportunity to have our readers share our site with theirs friends. We also had a lot great responses to the survey question about whether you would rather work for a male or female boss. Heres a breakdown of the replies. No Preference: 43% The big winner wasnt actually men or women, but both.  Most people actually dont care whether their boss is  a man or a woman. The overall sentiment from people is that they are much more concerned about having a fair and reasonable boss and less concerned about their bosses gender. Here are some of the exact replies that were submitted: It doesnt matter to me as long as they are professional, ethical, and approachable. I have no preference in the gender of my boss as long as they leave me alone to do my job and not try to micro mange me. It does not matter. The only important thing is that they know how to manage. Its very reassuring to see that at the start of 2015, most employees are looking more for a boss that respects them and their work than for a specific gender. Prefer a Male Boss: 33% While the majority of those answering the survey question are okay with either gender leading their respective department or business, a solid 33% still preferred to have a man in the drivers seat. Surprisingly, it was both men and women choosing this option. Many of them had similar reasons for their choice, often citing fairness and emotional control as major factors. I prefer a male boss because they seem to be more professional and move by the rules, whereas a female boss can sometimes be too emotional with their decisions. Male. Females seem too competitive for placement, looks, and friends, just to name a few reasons. Male. Women tend to play favorites and are too dramatic. Before all the female readers rise up and start gathering pitchforks and torches, these quotes are not coming from us here at Resume Genius, but from some of the people that entered the Resume Genius Giveaway. There are certainly very successful women leaders in all aspects of life, like Angela Merkel in regards to politics, and Marissa Mayer in regards to business. Prefer a Female Boss: 24% Though a very strong 3/4 of all entrants that answered the survey question  either had no preference or preferred a man as a boss, there was still 24% who replied  that they much more preferred to work under a woman. However, it was mostly other females making this claim, and they mostly  seemed to focus on the idea that they relate to other women better than they do men. Female. I feel a female boss is more understanding of female issues. A female boss because of the camaraderie that comes with working with other females, the mood and attitude is different, better! Probably a woman because sometimes men dont understand female problems and its easier to talk to a woman about things. Its perfectly understandable to want to work with a person that you naturally relate to better. What Do You Think? If you missed the 1st Ever Resume Genius Giveaway and didnt have a chance to share your opinion on this matter, its not too late. Wed still love to hear your thoughts on whether men or women make better bosses.

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